
What Is Techwear?


Most contemporary fashion is content to riff on the past. Instead, techwear forgoes the familiar in favor of function. Bright, nylon anoraks become shine-resistant jet black shells.

Standard cotton trousers become high-stretch Ripstop cargos. Even workboots get an upgrade: from bulky leather to ultralight Flyknit “shield,” a complete techwear wardrobe signals a paradigm shift, a leap of faith towards the full potential of the state-of-the-art.  ‘

The techwear aesthetic is heavily influenced by futurist artistic styles such as cyberpunk (think Blade Runner or Ghost in the Shell).

In execution, most techwear falls into one of two categories: “grey” (sleek, understated, the amplified familiar) or “black” (striking, military-inspired, the future circa 1985).

Regardless of category, a typical techwear jacket is matte black, tailored to move, and made entirely of GORE-TEX’s three-layer waterproof fabric. The difference comes from how that function is styled. 

Grey techwear takes its name from the concept of the “grey man,” a security business term for an agent dressed to blend in but equipped to do anything but.

Techwear of this sort looks like standard clothing, but is constructed from high-tech fabrics and designed for ultimate functionality. Examples of “grey” techwear brands include Arc’teryx Veillance, Isaora, and NikeLab Essentials.

On the other hand, black techwear eschews all subtlety. Borrowing its name from “black operations” (the opposite of the ”grey man”), techwear in this style is bold, brash, and heavily influenced by both military and extreme outdoors gear.

Every kid who grew up watching The Matrix has, at one point, aspired to dress as cool as techwear looks. However, in an age of bomb threats and global terror, donning full black techwear on crowded city streets may get you more looks than you’ve bargained for. 

Regardless, when done well, black techwear looks downright badass.  Examples of “black” techwear brands include adidas Y-3, Guerilla Group, and the granddaddy of them all, Errolson Hugh’s legendary ACRONYM. 

Through clever tailoring and an embrace of avant-garde aesthetics, techwear is materials science innovation massaged into garments wearable enough for the high street. 

Apple Watch? Hard pass. This is wearable tech.  

Talk About What the Future Might Look Like for Tech Wear Style Clothing and How to Make it Better.

It is difficult to predict the future of techwear style apparel as it may depend on various factors, including technological advancements, fashion trends, and consumer needs and preferences. However, some potential developments in the field of tech apparel include the use of advanced materials that are more comfortable, breathable and durable than current fabrics.

As well as new technologies such as integrated, flexible displays, haptic feedback systems, and advanced heating and cooling systems will all affect its development.

Additionally, techwear-inspired clothing can be designed to be more versatile and customizable, allowing individuals to quickly adjust their clothing to suit different situations and environments.

To improve tech wear style clothing, designers and manufacturers could focus on creating functional and fashionable clothing. This could involve incorporating cutting-edge technologies that enhance the user experience while also considering the aesthetic appeal of the clothing.

Designers also could work to create more sustainable and environmentally friendly clothing, using materials and production processes that minimize waste and reduce the overall environmental impact of the clothing. And designers could strive to create clothing that is more accessible and affordable, ensuring that tech wear style clothing is not just a luxury fashion item but is available to a broader range of people.

What is Techwear Pants?

Techwear Pants is a general term for pants made of technical fabrics and functional. We can be divided into the following nine categories according to style or type:

Techwear Cargo Pants

Cargo Pants are also known as Combat Pants because they were initially designed for military use. It generally uses a loose version, with many additional three-dimensional pockets to hold various tools, suitable for work in harsh environments.

Techwear Cargo Pants magnifies the functional attributes. Cargo Pants using technical fabrics can more easily perform any risky activities, protect the body and create a more relaxed working environment.

Techwear Drop Crotch Pants

Drop Crotch Pants, also known as Low-crotch Pants, is a general term for pants with a natural sagging crotch. Its rise has been aided by the hip-hop wave, and the slouchy-looking trousers are gradually making their way to the streets. They already have a place in men’s fashion.

Techwear Samurai Pants

Samurai Pants refers to Japanese samurai pants. The design is almost the same as Drop Crotch Pants, but its origin is historical. Samurai Pants usually use dark colors as the primary color, such as black and gray. Low-crotch exists to facilitate the user’s good leg range of motion in performing tasks and hiding some small hidden weapons. So similar to Darkwear Ninja Clothing can also be worn.

Techwear Joggers

Techwear Joggers is still indistinguishable between Techwear clothing and techwear style clothing. There are many «Tchwear Pants» that are actually Darkwear Pants. They just use these pants to create an image of Darkwear Ninja without actual use connotation. Usually, Techwear Joggers will design removable calf parts to facilitate changing the working form in complex environments.

Techwear Harem Pants

Harem Pants refer to trousers with loose trousers. It was introduced by French fashion designers in 1910 to the concept of Western fashion. It has a solid Turkish style.

Techwear Shorts

Short is a general term for pants worn in the pelvic area. At first, only mature men could wear them. Later, women’s shorts such as «Skorts» appeared. Most of the «techwear shorts» that currently exist on the Internet are not techwear. They only rely on a few pockets and streamers to incorporate themselves into Techwear Shorts, which must be unreasonable. The authentic Techwear Shorts must meet the core elements of Techwear: technical fabrics & functionality.

Techwear Tactical Pants

Many people would mistake Tactical pants for Cargo pants. Cargo Pants can be a type of Tactical Pants, but not all. When you take a closer look, you’ll know that Tactical Pants are tailor-made for military operations. So Techwear Tactical Pants must be a kind of trousers that integrates the new design under the conditions of military needs.


Techwear jackets are designed with an emphasis on both function and form. They’re great for weathering the outdoors and designed to reflect your style. They are classified into two types; hardshell jackets, and softshell jackets.

Hardshells are the most versatile outer layers because they’re warm in cool weather, breathable in warm weather and protect you from the strongest winds and heaviest of rains. When it comes to outdoor challenges, hardshell jackets are the way to go.

Softshells are more breathable than hardshells, which makes them ideal for milder winter conditions. Softshell jackets are softer and more comfortable than hardshells, which also means that they are less protective in harsh weather conditions compared to the hardshells.

Whichever you choose, all techwear fashion jackets are designed to keep you looking good in all kinds of weather.

Уход за одеждой Techwear

Уход за techwear вещами необходим для того, чтобы они выглядели наилучшим образом. Вот несколько советов по уходу за techwear одеждой:

Всегда следуйте инструкциям по уходу, указанным на этикетке

Techwear одежда обычно изготавливается из высокоэффективных тканей, поэтому важно следовать инструкциям по уходу, чтобы она прослужила долго.
Стирайте techwear одежду в холодной воде. Горячая вода может повредить высокоэффективные ткани, поэтому лучше стирать их в холодной воде.
Избегайте использования жестких моющих средств

Жесткие моющие средства могут повредить ткани, поэтому лучше использовать щадящие моющие средства.
Повесьте вещи из techwear одежды сушиться на вешалку. Избегайте использования сушилок, так как тепло может повредить ткани с высокими эксплуатационными характеристиками.
Храните techwear одежду в сухом прохладном месте. Это поможет дольше сохранить их внешний вид.

«Готовая одежда» Diablo 4 на Неделе моды в Милане кажется непригодной для носки и не имеет ничего общего с Diablo 4

Когда вы покупаете по ссылкам на нашем сайте, мы можем получать партнерскую комиссию. Вот как это работает.

Когда я думаю о Diablo, я думаю о моде. Непревзойденная энергия падди Декарда Каина и непринужденность некроманта — это одновременно и преступление, и загадка, что мир моды до сих пор закрывал глаза на совершенство пошива любимой серии ARPG от Blizzard. Ну, уже нет. Недавнее проявление силы на Неделе моды в Милане, которое завершилось сегодня, наконец-то сделало очевидное совпадение с показом, «вдохновленным темной стороной и дополняющим конфликтом» Diablo 4 .

Одежда была разработана датским домом моды Han Kjøbenhavn и посвящена теме «ад как прекрасное место». Креативный директор бренда Янник Виккельсё Давидсен сказал, что союз между модной компанией и Blizzard был естественным, и именно их общая «эмоциональная ДНК» заставила его запеленать невинную супермодель в хромированную (?) игру Олимпийский огонь.

В представленной одежде используются все виды материалов — веганская кожа, искусственный мех, хром и жемчуг — чтобы рассказать модную историю, которая пытается «отразить путешествие в Diablo, а также мое собственное путешествие», — сказал Дэвидсен NME . В других интервью он упомянул, что намеренно старался не создавать индивидуальную имитацию игровых скинов, вместо этого пытаясь «перевести эмоции во что-то, что может существовать в нашем мире». Это довольно широкое определение «может существовать в нашем мире», если вы спросите меня. Соседские дети выгнали бы меня из дома, если бы я начал шататься по городу в чем-то подобном.

Должен признаться, все это кажется мне немного непонятным, но я все еще покупаю носки в Tesco и, вероятно, не должен иметь никакого мнения ни о чем. Это все очень модно, но не слишком похоже на Diablo? Я не знаю, какие элементы оригинальной серии ARPG инкапсулированы путем драпировки какого-то эфирного, похожего на тростник существа в остатки рыболовной сети и отправки их в Италию, но я полностью согласен с тем, чтобы быть вне моя стихия в этом.

Это не значит, что я не согласен со всем этим. Мне нравятся ультрасовременные облегающие ансамбли из кожи и резины, которые вы можете увидеть в галерее ниже. Просто для меня это больше похоже на что-то из Vampire: the Masquerade, чем на Diablo. Если бы вы сказали мне, что эти кадры из грядущего визуального романа о гипер-шикарных Цимисхах и Тореадорах, я бы вам абсолютно поверил.

Изображение 1 из 5

Так называемая «готовая одежда» в будущем, по идее, превратится во что-то «более повседневное», потому что почему слова должны что-то значить? Это произойдет летом этого года, как раз к выходу Diablo 4 6 июня (откроется в новой вкладке). Я ожидаю увидеть все true Поклонники Diablo, одетые в подобающие супермодные наряды, как только эти произведения искусства появляются на прилавках магазинов.


We will now discuss the different trends, styles and influences present in techwear. Here we will only focus on the subject we are interested in: fashion. 

On the other hand, we will not deal with «techwear» in the general sense, i.e. every garment that has technical features such as firefighting equipment or aeronautics.

Casual Techwear

Also known as «performance menswear», this category is one of the most widespread and consumed. Often featuring rather classic designs, it can be worn every day, both at work and in leisure time.

The pieces can be ultra formal with blazers made of waterproof and breathable materials or rather casual with chinos made of water-repellent fabric, pure softshells, merino wool hats, or parkas adapted to the extreme cold.️

Casual techwear is often the result of a piece of techwear or an accessory on the whole outfit. A style that is more discreet than urban techwear.

Urban Techwear

Undoubtedly one of the most interesting segments aesthetically and technically. The designs are very stylized and unleash passions with their urban and futuristic looks.

Moreover, they can be ultra minimalist, with a multitude of small details, or on the contrary eccentric, unstructured and asymmetrical. The range of colors is also often reduced to the bare minimum: black, olive, midnight blue, beige, gray and sometimes white.It is mainly the techwear style that you will find in our store, offering a ninja look of the city, be it technical kimonos, joggers pants, technical t-shirts with Japanese prints and other futuristic masks. If you love Japanese fashion, then you will definitely love this trend fashion.

These outfits and other accessories, including bags where modularity and integration are the guidelines, are the perfect mix between a unique design and the lightness and ease of movement that are particularly important.This style can be easily integrated thanks to the many accessories and garments available, such as sneakers, oversized hoodies or sweaters made of breathable materials.For those who love looks on the verge of grunge and streetwear like the rapper Scarlxrd, don’t hesitate to pick up a few pieces that will easily match your everyday clothes.If you’re also a fan of parkour or cyberpunk, go for it!


Cyberpunk Techwear

It is a very futuristic style inspired by sci-fi movies and other video games that plunge us into a universe that mixes cybernetics, punk movement, anime culture.

This style is very widely represented when it comes to cosplay rather than everyday wear. Mask with integrated LEDs, katanas, colored lenses… a whole arsenal that gives an impressive rendering.

If you’re a fan of neon, manga and techwear, then you should definitely try cyberpunk style.

Outdoor Techwear

The brands in this «sportswear» segment are those that use the most technical materials: they specialize in hiking, mountaineering, sports sailing, running and sometimes in the world of workwear.Some brands offer quality products at very affordable prices, but with a look that is sometimes a little questionable for everyday use. They generally offer very technical products, designed for a specific sport practice. For example, major brands such as Nike offer more and more techwear ranges useful for sports while keeping a simple and effective stylistic line.

Black Tech

Borrowing its name from «black operations», the technical garments of this style are bold, impetuous and strongly influenced by extreme military and outdoor equipment. If you’re a fan of the movie «The Matrix», you’ve obviously already thought about dressing in a similar techwear look.

Technical and technological advances have always interested the military, which is why Gore-Tex jackets are now found in almost every Western military. In fact, some technologies developed specifically for them are now found in civilian clothing, such as RipStop (literally «stop tears») or Kevlar in bullet-proof vests.

This trend has inspired the creation of clothing for everyday wear, inspired by military equipment. We can note the example of the cargo pants, highly appreciated for its comfortable cut and its all-purpose utility with its many pockets. It is possible to pick a few pieces from this segment to give a little character to a bland look, while bringing technique.


Before we get started, a word of warning: techwear in any form is prohibitively expensive.

Your typical ACRONYM hardshell (yes, the one from that photo) starts just north of four digits and only goes higher.

Conventional wisdom says that in fashion, a buyer chooses two of the following: form, function, and value.

Considering techwear’s uncompromising embrace the first two, its hefty price tag should come as no surprise.

But, if you’re ready to take the plunge, here’s all you need to know to master the techwear style:

First, start with the jacket.

All great techwear outfits are built on outerwear, full stop. As a general rule, the best tech jackets are waterproof, durable, and designed for movement, ideally wrapped in a neutral color.

In general, err towards GORE-TEX fabrics and zippers in key areas.

Second, build functional layers. The best tech jacket is only as good as what’s underneath. Our recommendation: go for a slouchy extended tee under a warm mid-layer, ideally a goose down jacket or high-tech fleece.

In the outdoors industry, this is referred to as the “base-mid-shell” system.

This three-layer design ensures rapid adaptability both inside and out.

ISAORA Neo Bomber

Next, do the details. The difference between “technical athleisure” and true techwear rests in high-function features like hidden vents, specialized pockets, and taped seams.

In many ways, these tech details differentiate techwear from scaled-down looks like athleisure or sportswear.

Just look at a pair of Guerilla Group pants vs. your athleisure cargoes from H&M: both are black, tapered, and heavy on pockets, but only one drips the sort of utility features (articulated joints, intersecting seams, water-repellant coating) that mark it “techwear.”

Finally, focus on footwear. Even with space-age layers and every detail in line, the wrong shoes can throw off your vibe entirely.

As a general rule, choose sneakers either made of cutting-edge materials (Flyknit, Primeknit, neoprene, etc.) or have visible “tech” features that supplant their more humble construction (ex. a leather sneaker with a zipper entry).

Like with most things in this style, ACRONYM is the gold standard for technical footwear.

The Berlin design firm’s Air Presto and Lunar Force 1 collaborations represent techwear sneakers at their highest form.

While even the simplest outfits could pass for techwear given a black tech jacket and menacing scowl, it’s worth mentioning that not all techwear need come in neutral colors.

Some of most striking tech pieces of all time from brands like Stone Island, Cav Empt, and Arc’teryx Veillance went against the “all black everything” grain, and turned out brilliant for it.

Что такое Теквир?

Существует множество определений того, что такое техническая одежда. Прежде всего это сочетание современных искусственных материалов с передовыми технологиями пошива для создания новой формы функциональности. Вспомните проклеенные швы, ламинированные молнии и эргономичную конструкцию из панелей.

Этот последний пункт важен. Для неподготовленного взгляда Теквир может показаться простенькой рабочей одеждой с множеством карманов в виде драпировки и абсолютно черного цвета. Но техническая одежда определяется не столько эстетичностью, сколько скорее навязчивостью практичности, как для дизайнеров, так и владельцев.

Сегодня людей все больше привлекают тенденции, которые предлагают практикующую основу. Материалы обеспечивают воздухопроницаемость и контроль температуры, делая их универсальными, и их можно адаптировать к городской жизни. Сочетание полезных функций с классной эстетикой — это то, что люди хотят покупать сегодня.

Среди многих разработок Хью — «Sound Forcelock» — магнитная полоска на воротнике, позволяющая удерживать ваши наушники — и «Gravity Pocket», удобный карман для хранения телефона в рукаве с функцией, позволяющей сбросить его прямо в руку. Это одежда, которая использует вещи, способный помочь вам с выживанием в пустыне, а также способна сделать жизнь в городском пространстве более функциональной.

Возьмите куртку с аббревиатурой «Акроним» в руки, и вы сможете детально увидеть уровень мышления владельца, который знает на сколько он будет защищен в окружающей среде и как он будет ее использовать. Когда все подобрано идеально, она больше похоже на проект, чем на дизайн одежды.


We no longer present the world leader in sports equipment, Nike. Faced with the growing success of the Acronym brand with its functional and design clothing, Nike has taken the lead by forming a partnership with the famous Techwear brand in order to restore the image of its ACG (all condition Gear) range. With versatile materials (breathability, water repellency and even waterproofness) and advanced functionalities, Nike ACG is aimed at all areas of sport, from sleeves to accessories.

The brand also offers a streetwear/techwear wardrobe. The ACG range is therefore very interesting for the technical clothing it offers, which adapts very well to sports practices but also to the urban environment for everyday wear.

The sneakers are almost seamless thanks to their VAC-TECH hot compression method, the pants have «DWR» finishes that make them waterproof at the glued seams, and the jacket is made of GORE-TEX.

Nevertheless, don’t expect to find very advanced techwear designs to perfect your urban ninja look, the ACG range offers casual techwear oriented looks!


We no longer present the world leader in sports equipment, Nike. Faced with the growing success of the Acronym brand with its functional and design clothing, Nike has taken the lead by forming a partnership with the famous Techwear brand in order to restore the image of its ACG (all condition Gear) range. With versatile materials (breathability, water repellency and even waterproofness) and advanced functionalities, Nike ACG is aimed at all areas of sport, from sleeves to accessories.

The brand also offers a streetwear/techwear wardrobe. The ACG range is therefore very interesting for the technical clothing it offers, which adapts very well to sports practices but also to the urban environment for everyday wear.

The sneakers are almost seamless thanks to their VAC-TECH hot compression method, the pants have «DWR» finishes that make them waterproof at the glued seams, and the jacket is made of GORE-TEX.

Nevertheless, don’t expect to find very advanced techwear designs to perfect your urban ninja look, the ACG range offers casual techwear oriented looks!

Why is Techwear so Popular?

Techwear comes from the Japanese «機能服» (きのふく). Its essence is to design clothing in a targeted manner according to the human body’s structural characteristics, the limbs’ range of motion, and the application scenarios.

Although the «history» of Techwear’s rise is concise, this style of dressing, which is a hundred times tougher than Work Clothes, is deeply loved by trendy men. Techwear is full of dark and handsome, perfectly combining the outdoors and the trend. Strictly speaking, Techwear is a mix-and-match style, and elements such as military, outdoor, and tooling will be reflected in the clothing, which is very practical.

As mentioned above, Techwear has three very distinct styles:

Excellent Texture. There is a reason for the formation of this feature. Techwear has relatively high requirements for fabrics, at least to meet the effects of windproof, waterproof, breathable, lightweight, and warm, so functional wind clothing generally uses «technical fabrics,» which are high-end fabrics. Excellent natural texture.

Functional. Techwear naturally has its tooling attributes. The design of various pockets, buckles, zippers, and webbing on clothes can make you hang tools all over your body. These designs are not only practical but also highly decorative, mainly conveying the aesthetic feeling. It’s a sense of equipment and technology.

Full of Fashion. This feature can be understood as the «passive attribute» of Techwear Outfits; that is to say, even if you are not driving Techwear for being calm, as long as you go with this style, then the functional wind itself has a sense of the future and technology. It will make you look trendy.


The urban techwear fits can be hard to pull off at first, but because it’s based around simple garments, you can start with one item and build your wardrobe from there. For one, many techwear enthusiasts like to wear a shell and trousers at the same time — it’s about layering various pieces in order to get the desired effect. To do that, there are elements you must consider.

Although there are a few brands and items with brighter colors and patterns, most people associate darker shades with the techwear aesthetic. Most of the pieces are made from technical fabrics, so they typically focus more on functionality than branding. They also usually fit pretty slim, which is both stylish and functional.  The simple color palette and versatility of techwear make it easy to understand why it’s enjoyed such rapid growth in popularity.


Techwear clothing is designed using the latest research on optimal body movement. The end result is a perfect fit that’s equally at home on a bike, in the gym, or tackling a hike. Techwear manufactures garments that integrate layers of warmth and use durable, water-resistant fabrics to defend against the cold. The articulation also makes possible unique movement, allowing for ease in movement and flexibility during more intense activities. Techwear pushes the boundaries of fabrics and cuts so that they can perform in new ways that haven’t been possible before.

Another aspect to comfort in breathable, flexible clothing, much like the key to comfort in no-bulk, flexible clothing, is letting sweat and heat escape so the wearer doesn’t feel slimy in their garments, which is another one of techwear’s fine inclusion. For a jacket to be effective, it must not only keep you dry but allow your body to stay at a comfortable temperature while wearing it.

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